An Experiment

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I recently read a book, The Dumbest Generation, and it made me think about...well the same stuff I have been thinking about for years, but just haven't known what to do.
I believe access to easy entertainment has played a role in my children achieving less than they could have. Granted, they are still young and able to turn things around, but once upon a time (early elementary) they were near the top in their class and I have only become more educated since then, meaning I should have had some kind of an influence on them. But let's be honest. The lure of the internet is strong. It has hurt me.

Somewhere along the way, they got the idea their existence is all about being entertained.
Well. I guess I am becoming a fuddy-duddy. I believe in a "classical, with secular science" education and I think kids should have to memorize things. I think knowing a lot of facts, not just knowing how to access them, actually enhances the brain and makes a person more educated. Call me crazy.

So, during prep time last week when I subbed an afternoon at a local middle school, I made this:

Internet/TV-Free Zone
4:30-7:00 and after 10p.m.

No Wifi/TV/Videogames/Computers
News is okay

1.5 hours of doing homework or reading the "common room" will allow access for person who does it (By 6pm if working steady).

Note: If your progress report has anything less than a B-(or if you lose your progress report) early access is not allowed. If you complain about the rule, there will be no access all night.

I don't think this is unfair since they still have their phones. They might have to use their own data amounts or whatever for their phones without wifi (I did not buy these phones-nor do I pay the bill on them), but it's a start.

Their responses:
Oldest child: What's my boyfriend supposed to do when he comes over?
Next: That's stupid.
Third: You can't make me do my homework (this from the child who dreams of getting into Columbia U.)

So, maybe I can't make them study. But I can try and bore them into expanding their minds.

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