
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Once again I am disillusioned with Waldorf. The thing is, I belong to these mailing lists for people who are trying to raise their children using Waldorf methods. Some of them really know how to approach an issue "in the Waldorf way". The problem is, when they speak, to me, they sound like total flakes. I am not sure I buy into the philosophy. I love natural parenting and looking to nature and slowing down a bit. I am just not sure I buy into Waldorf.

So I have been looking more at Charlotte Mason methods. Her ways are natural without getting into the strange philosophies of Waldorf. Additionally, I am interested in classical education and literature-based education. I think these are what I am really looking for.

Part of me thinks, why bother? I am just going to end up working fulltime and have to put the little ones in public schools. But I don't like the product of public schools. I don't like the peer-dependence and the culture that is emerging. I have to make some choices here. But I don't want to starve in retirement either.
Is it wrong to homeschool  if we have to get food stamps?

What is the answer? My heart says, keep them close to home, get active in the homeschooling community when they are bit older, and do what feels right. That is just so hard to do when a paycheck, nicer house, and vacations are around the corner.