The Basement

Thursday, January 31, 2013

The plumber finally came and fixed the leaks in the upstairs bathroom, but in the process was searching around the house for the shutoff for the water (he found it outside). As he walked ALL over the basement including looking at Tierney and Caleb's rooms, I realized our basement looks like something off of an episode of Hoarders. Tierney had even left her trash bags from the last time she cleaned in by her bedroom door.

I do not harbor illusions of being a good housekeeper. But I am so embarrassed.  And why I am keeping boxes of used baby/toddler clothes when they are so easy to replace. How long do I keep all my boxes of teacher books? And what about the furniture Tierney wants to keep for when she moves out. What about the microwave? And that doesn't even touch the mounds of clothes on their bedroom floors. At least the rest of the house, while cluttered, was not completely humiliating.
I wonder what a storage unit would cost for the furniture for Tierney.

So this weekend:

Tierney must throw those bags out Friday.
The kids need to pick up their piles of clothes Friday.
I will get rid of baby clothes that no longer fit.
I will get rid of all but the cutest toddler clothes.

Why are they so gross?