Homemade Pregnancy Tea

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

During my two "shorter" labors, I consumed fairly larger amount of red raspberry leaf tea in the final months. Although, I did have red raspberry leaf tea with my last pregnancy, I did not drink it as frequently as I would have liked, for no reason other than being very busy.
Now that I am well into my second trimester (although I still haven't really felt the baby moving), I decided to start drinking up.
Pregnancy teas alone are rather expensive, and I wanted more than just plain raspberry leaf. I decided to add nettle leaf, and dandelion root to my brew. Now, I have also heard that alfalfa is good to add, and I WISH I had bought some mint or something pungent to really flavor it up. But for now, this will do, and I can add raw honey as necessary.

Really hoping for a better labor this time!

Some other pregnancy tea recipes:

Covenant Homemakinghttp://www.covenanthomemaking.com/2012/02/homemade-herbal-pregnancy-tea.html

Passionate Homemaking

Snowboard Mommy

EcoChild's Play