
Saturday, November 16, 2013

So aside from being lovely, little Gabriel is also the fifth baby and mom has had to go back to work. I worry about Gabe.

At his last dr's visit, Gabe had gained enough height to put him back on the growth chart (yay!) and gained a bit of weight. His lead level was also under 5 (4.9!). He did have an ear infection, which makes me sad, but that is easily fixed.

But...Gabe doesn't talk. He says, momma and dadda, when he is crying for us, but not in speech. He used to say Cat, but not any longer. Apparently at 18 months (in about 3 months), kids have around 50 words they say. Yeah. Just what a mom likes to hear. So I have been trying to train him and doing all the things I wish I could do more often, but he hasn't got it yet. Like he won't mimic me or anything.
So, if he doesn't have 15 words or so by 18 months, I am supposed to call and see about getting a referral for speech therapy. I feel like I am such a bad mom lately, or like my genes are defective or something.

Well, at least he has a pretty face! Look at those eyes:o).

Recent pics

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Okay, these have all been on facebook, but I want to keep this blog current!\

Sprained ankle...waiting to be seen.

Gabriel 14 months

Liam, 3.5  years

Building a Fort

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Looks more like destroying a fort, but whatever.

A catch of breath

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just a bit, a handful, is sitting near my sternum, unsure where to go.

Yesterday started out exciting. I am always happy to go to well-baby check-ups as it's fun to focus, and have someone else, focus on my sweet kids. But Karl was tired and cranky, so it started off unpleasant. Then Liam didn't show off his vocabulary, didn't enchant the doctor with stories of our "storm chasing" adventures, or do any of the things as a parent you hope your child will demonstrate for others.

Liam got on the floor and climbed under the doctor's chair and grabbed his leg. Liam interrupted. Liam reached up, touched the doctors hair, and questioned him as to why it was standing up like that. Liam didn't hear the doctor tell him to "give him five" until we had all prompted him.

When the cute doctor (ahem, did I say that?) started with the questions, I knew where he was going. Is he a contemplative thinker or a doer. I tried to say thinker, but Karl butted in, "He's a doer." And I guess he is. We discussed that yes, he was almost always on the move, but..he isn't always racing, more...plodding, that's how I would describe it. Does he run off in stores. Karl said, yes, but not far. But I was reminded of a couple weeks ago when we tried to take a trip to Target. I foolishly let Liam out of the cart, and Liam ran for it. Of course, I took his hand, once I got him, and we left the store, but that coupled with the lack of boundaries does suggest a certain impulsiveness.

But he is three. And three year old boys are often on the go and impulsive. Some kids do talk a constantly. Tierney did. Liam can sit for a chapter book that only has a picture every three or four pages. He is interested in "academics".

But, then I can't help but realize the doctor sees kids all day long. He sees them in a specific context, and can easily compare Liam to other children of similar age. He might not see the great I do, but he sees him on a level playing field with other kids.

I mentioned that as long as he isn't acting this way in two years, I wasn't too worried. To which the doctor replied, "I think he will be."

As that particular barb twisted in, my mind shut off. No, I am not ready to deal with this.

ADHD has a lot to do with behavior. The parents are feeding the kids junk food and letting them watch too much TV, right? They aren't enforcing behavior.
And with Liam, all that is partially true. We have been disorganized and too relaxed for several months. And ADHD has to be partially hard-wired, at least. Simply because most American kids would have ADHD otherwise. While a sizable amount do, most do not.

So what can I do? First, we must get better organized in our routines. I know how important this is for children, but I have serious organizational problems. I would say I have ADHD, ha! except that I have really good powers of concentration when necessary. We are going to cut TV to one morning show and one afternoon show. This will be the hardest. We will take the little ones out more and eat in places like fast food, so we can practice sitting still and behaving appropriately. We will discipline more consistently. If the problem persists, we will deal with it then.

Deep breath.

Two weeks

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It happened just two weeks ago. At first, it seemed okay. It was convenient and easy. It just seemed more appropriate and professional.

It promised a lot. And it delivered. And yet, despite the ease, despite the simplicity, and the time it has saved....

I miss my long hair.

Short hair is ugly.
I feel like a terrier.

Guess who's 8 (and a half) Months!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Gabriel Sean is growing up!

And some others....

Karl painted his distress one day long ago...

Sometimes a boy just needs a nap.

KC with the Taryn

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yesterday, Taryn's prep team went to Kansas City U.S. Finals. She was very excited. As in, I upset her at Steak 'n Shake as we were leaving and she got over it in about three minutes. Unheard of! (No, she doesn't read my blog or have links to it!) Her team basically does a few competitions a year. They are level two, but I don't know what that means? They don't do a lot of tumbling. I have heard of groups from level one (the lowest) to 5 or something. They don't have as many practice as a true competitive team would have. I hope next year, whatever team she is on doesn't have the little girls. I think mixing the big and little girls detracts from the image of the team (not that I know anything at all about cheerleading, I mean, I would rather she just do school cheer, and she thinks that is so lame).

The trip was a lot of fun, Kansas City was beautiful (I love cities), but the arena creeped me out. They had rails painted black and the lights were low, and all I could do was imagine all the crawlies crawling around in that old building, the Municipal Arena.

As soon as we got in, though, we had troubles. We had trouble finding her team, because we were unfamiliar with the set up, but we had lots of problems with Liam. Why do other people have calm two year olds, and I get the ones full of spitfire? Anyway, Gabe's sock fell off. Liam noticed this and started freaking out, but we were already down the hall before we figured out what he was freaking out about. Liam cannot sit still hours. Makes sense, but it was rough. He didn't want to hold hands. He wanted to slide down the ramps instead of walk. Okay, it doesn't sound so bad on here, but oh my gosh, I wanted to just give him a good spanking. But commonsense and self-preservation reigned (I knew he'd just get more stirred up) and we made it.

Afterwards I was strongly wishing we had stayed in a hotel, but it's actually not too bad of a drive, especially since I slept half of it! So we made it home about 2:15 a.m. and finally around three or so, Gabe went to sleep, and we could also sleep.

Taryn had a blast, though. She loves cheer so much, her obsession has caused her grades to suffer, as she spends her waking hours learning about cheer, cheerleaders, etc. I guess you can be a geek in anything.

Getting ready to go

Kansas City

Biased version of the routine. I focused mainly on Taryn (the base with the big bushy ponytail) for obvious reasons. It irritates me that she isn't front and center. Can't they see MY girl is the prettiest and most deserving on the team? Yes, I know, you aren't supposed to say such things, and all the moms are thinking the same thing..but I am right, right?;oP

Eating before we head out to KC

Baby boy

Take the picture already, Mom.

During moments of wakefulness on the drive back, I enjoyed the stars, so many more than Springfield shines at night. I missed my mom-I only have time in the quiet moments-and wondered how many more generations those stars would shine down on (okay, not really, but doesn't it sound nice?).

Tierney's Prom Dress

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

It's that time! We just ordered Tierney's dress. I hope it's as cute as the pics (it's too hard to get out with kiddos).

Very excited! 

Creepy, desperate, and cute

Friday, March 8, 2013

My insecurities regarding the imperfections of my house amuse me, as I always seem to have to record them out loud!

Please Save My Tender Heart

Thursday, March 7, 2013

From my 13 year old. I can't take the sullenness. The disgust at every dumb thing I say.

It makes me sad. What happened to my sweet, laughing little girl?!

Sick Kiddos

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It started with Gabe. Nose running, coughing sneezing. Now Liam has the same. Both are raspy, but I checked on Liam 30 minutes ago, so raspy, red-cheeked, rough breath. He worries me. I dug out a humidifier after debating with Karl over warm or cool mist. We worry he may wake in the night and be curious about the humidifier and play with it, and don't want him to burn his fingers, but the cool mist vaporizer will make his already cold room colder. We decided on the warm, but Karl's going to stay up awhile and check on him.

But overall, they have been pretty healthy this winter, so I can't really complain. 

No doctors or daycare providers here, thank you!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gabriel has started eating some solids. Seeing as how jarred baby food is a Madison Ave. invention, we just give him real food. I guess the veggies weren't in small enough pieces because Gabe had a particularly nasty diaper today. Liam took one look, gagged, and vomited a little on the floor. This is really going to limit him, I am afraid. How would he handle an elementary lunchroom? 'Do you like 'see-food?'

No pics on this post.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My pretty Valentine

Cousin Patchen

A crew of thrilled looking partygoers

Note the big milk stain noone told me about.

I just love his hair.

Little Liam

My Gabe

My Gabe does NOT want to be still for a photo

Note the hand holding him down

Making Valentine Shirts

Liam's (I sort of messed up)'s a rather huge shirt

Taryn decided to paint leggings with hearts on the knees

An Experiment

I recently read a book, The Dumbest Generation, and it made me think about...well the same stuff I have been thinking about for years, but just haven't known what to do.
I believe access to easy entertainment has played a role in my children achieving less than they could have. Granted, they are still young and able to turn things around, but once upon a time (early elementary) they were near the top in their class and I have only become more educated since then, meaning I should have had some kind of an influence on them. But let's be honest. The lure of the internet is strong. It has hurt me.

Somewhere along the way, they got the idea their existence is all about being entertained.
Well. I guess I am becoming a fuddy-duddy. I believe in a "classical, with secular science" education and I think kids should have to memorize things. I think knowing a lot of facts, not just knowing how to access them, actually enhances the brain and makes a person more educated. Call me crazy.

So, during prep time last week when I subbed an afternoon at a local middle school, I made this:

Internet/TV-Free Zone
4:30-7:00 and after 10p.m.

No Wifi/TV/Videogames/Computers
News is okay

1.5 hours of doing homework or reading the "common room" will allow access for person who does it (By 6pm if working steady).

Note: If your progress report has anything less than a B-(or if you lose your progress report) early access is not allowed. If you complain about the rule, there will be no access all night.

I don't think this is unfair since they still have their phones. They might have to use their own data amounts or whatever for their phones without wifi (I did not buy these phones-nor do I pay the bill on them), but it's a start.

Their responses:
Oldest child: What's my boyfriend supposed to do when he comes over?
Next: That's stupid.
Third: You can't make me do my homework (this from the child who dreams of getting into Columbia U.)

So, maybe I can't make them study. But I can try and bore them into expanding their minds.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Liam just slipped in here and I prompted him to peek out the window. We had just a touch of snow last night ,and I wanted him to see how pretty it is before it's gone.

He went over to the dining room window, gasped, and said, "There's steam and smoke! They're so pretty!" Referring to the exhaust pipes from the furnace which lead out the side of the house.

Oh well.

They're Coming!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Only a little over an hour until party time. I FINALLY got the baby to sleep (I think the Tylenol kicked in) and what do I do with my spare time? Scan photos? Organize mom's stuff? Chores? Nope. I write a blog post.
Oh well.

Liam added his own decorations, so thoughtfully chosen.

I think the piles of laundry in the kitchen really add to the homey ambiance I am trying to create (and yeah, I scan other people's pictures for signs of their humanity, too!)