No doctors or daycare providers here, thank you!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gabriel has started eating some solids. Seeing as how jarred baby food is a Madison Ave. invention, we just give him real food. I guess the veggies weren't in small enough pieces because Gabe had a particularly nasty diaper today. Liam took one look, gagged, and vomited a little on the floor. This is really going to limit him, I am afraid. How would he handle an elementary lunchroom? 'Do you like 'see-food?'

No pics on this post.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My pretty Valentine

Cousin Patchen

A crew of thrilled looking partygoers

Note the big milk stain noone told me about.

I just love his hair.

Little Liam

My Gabe

My Gabe does NOT want to be still for a photo

Note the hand holding him down

Making Valentine Shirts

Liam's (I sort of messed up)'s a rather huge shirt

Taryn decided to paint leggings with hearts on the knees

An Experiment

I recently read a book, The Dumbest Generation, and it made me think about...well the same stuff I have been thinking about for years, but just haven't known what to do.
I believe access to easy entertainment has played a role in my children achieving less than they could have. Granted, they are still young and able to turn things around, but once upon a time (early elementary) they were near the top in their class and I have only become more educated since then, meaning I should have had some kind of an influence on them. But let's be honest. The lure of the internet is strong. It has hurt me.

Somewhere along the way, they got the idea their existence is all about being entertained.
Well. I guess I am becoming a fuddy-duddy. I believe in a "classical, with secular science" education and I think kids should have to memorize things. I think knowing a lot of facts, not just knowing how to access them, actually enhances the brain and makes a person more educated. Call me crazy.

So, during prep time last week when I subbed an afternoon at a local middle school, I made this:

Internet/TV-Free Zone
4:30-7:00 and after 10p.m.

No Wifi/TV/Videogames/Computers
News is okay

1.5 hours of doing homework or reading the "common room" will allow access for person who does it (By 6pm if working steady).

Note: If your progress report has anything less than a B-(or if you lose your progress report) early access is not allowed. If you complain about the rule, there will be no access all night.

I don't think this is unfair since they still have their phones. They might have to use their own data amounts or whatever for their phones without wifi (I did not buy these phones-nor do I pay the bill on them), but it's a start.

Their responses:
Oldest child: What's my boyfriend supposed to do when he comes over?
Next: That's stupid.
Third: You can't make me do my homework (this from the child who dreams of getting into Columbia U.)

So, maybe I can't make them study. But I can try and bore them into expanding their minds.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Liam just slipped in here and I prompted him to peek out the window. We had just a touch of snow last night ,and I wanted him to see how pretty it is before it's gone.

He went over to the dining room window, gasped, and said, "There's steam and smoke! They're so pretty!" Referring to the exhaust pipes from the furnace which lead out the side of the house.

Oh well.

They're Coming!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Only a little over an hour until party time. I FINALLY got the baby to sleep (I think the Tylenol kicked in) and what do I do with my spare time? Scan photos? Organize mom's stuff? Chores? Nope. I write a blog post.
Oh well.

Liam added his own decorations, so thoughtfully chosen.

I think the piles of laundry in the kitchen really add to the homey ambiance I am trying to create (and yeah, I scan other people's pictures for signs of their humanity, too!)

Valentine's Party Today!

Today is our party with the cousins. Liam is pretty excited. The homemade decorations didn't happen. When I went to the store to get supplies I was feverish and exhausted, and I just decided to buy party supplies. It was cheaper that way, too. And handcrafted decorations would make me happy, but Liam couldn't care less.

I still haven't thought of any games or bought supplies for cupcakes. We are low on sugar, so I can't really make them from scratch either. I did get  cute pink and white stiped icing, so hopefully that will turn out. I will have to send Karl to the store for a cake mix. I am just so beat. Thank God, I don't have to work.

Yesterday, I subbed a half day at Pleasant View. At first, I was worried, but the eighth graders had just come back from lunch and were rowdy. Even the teacher couldn't get them quiet. But then it settled down and they were fairly good. Each class had a few who wouldn't hush or stay in their seat, but overall it was fine. I was talking with one student and mentioned that my kids were at Hickory Hills and Glendale, and the poor kid got embarrassed. He said, "Yeah, Pleasant View isn't very good..." I felt so bad for him. It's not a bad school at all! So I mentioned that I went to Hillcrest,  and I thought Pleasant View was fine. I didn't mention that I went to Reed. LOL! But really, to be embarrassed about your school is sad. Look at me not mentioning Reed. :o). Actually, I don't remember Reed being that bad, although I don't like to sub there, much. Really, though, I have only subbed special ed and Title one reading, so that's a different group anyway.

Anyway, I need to think up a couple easy games for the party (with ages ranging from 2.5 to 10).

Birthday Present?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

This is what Liam asked for...maybe for his birthday. 

Blissfully nursing the baby...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Well, painfully actually, as he is teething and pulling and biting,
but I was completely unaware that this was happening:

Liam found Taryn's temporary hair dye jar.

Just one are of the 
hardwood floor that was Liam-attacked.

I am beyond words...Liam's response to my horror? "Are you mad? Are you really, really mad?"

A Liam Morning

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I was sitting in the rocking chair nursing Gabe, when Liam came up dragging my mom's pink quilt behind him.  "Mommy, I want you to hold both of me."
I guess he doesn't have the concept of "us" down yet.

Then, I started eating a banana to round out my breakfast egg. I suggested I share with Gabe, who is nearly six months. Liam hates all fruit, except avocados, and started the fake gagging he learned from my mom and uses when eating fruit suggested.

Gag, cough, cough, "Gabe wouldn't like that!" Cough, cough.

Gabe did like it by the way, premashed by mom.

Friday night

Friday, February 1, 2013

Attention brothers! I hope to get through scanning the 70s photos this weekend!

This was my mom's dresser. We tossed the mirror and put it in the livingroom.
Yes.. the words are crooked, but my floor slants to the other corner! Glad I don't own this place:o)

 It is hard to take your own picture!

Should have taken off the sticker!

Tierney gave me these darling espresso cups for Christmas.