Christmas is coming! 27 day countdown

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Let's count down to awesomeness, shall we?

Why 27? Because this is when I thought of it. No, it isn't in reference to the 27-thing fling boogie.

Tonight the youngsters are snuggling in front of the TV, watching Rudolph.

Who doesn't have memories of cold winter nights, in front of a box TV, sniffling at the injustice Rudolph and the other misfits faced? Who rejoiced with Rudolph when his worth was finally realized and he shone (quite literally) that little light of his-and was all the more appreciated for it?

Maybe tomorrow, we should make it our goal to let our little light shine. Crazy, smart, flamboyant, kind, neat-freak, haphazard, crafty, funny--whatever your special gift is, let it shine.

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