
Saturday, November 16, 2013

So aside from being lovely, little Gabriel is also the fifth baby and mom has had to go back to work. I worry about Gabe.

At his last dr's visit, Gabe had gained enough height to put him back on the growth chart (yay!) and gained a bit of weight. His lead level was also under 5 (4.9!). He did have an ear infection, which makes me sad, but that is easily fixed.

But...Gabe doesn't talk. He says, momma and dadda, when he is crying for us, but not in speech. He used to say Cat, but not any longer. Apparently at 18 months (in about 3 months), kids have around 50 words they say. Yeah. Just what a mom likes to hear. So I have been trying to train him and doing all the things I wish I could do more often, but he hasn't got it yet. Like he won't mimic me or anything.
So, if he doesn't have 15 words or so by 18 months, I am supposed to call and see about getting a referral for speech therapy. I feel like I am such a bad mom lately, or like my genes are defective or something.

Well, at least he has a pretty face! Look at those eyes:o).